Friday, March 4, 2011

Ambition is a fickle bitch.

Today was one of those eye opening days.
I spent the morning completely content just to exist and accomplish nothing all day long.
This, however, was not the plan fate had allotted.

I was greeted mid-day by my dear friend and ex girlfriend Adrianne.  She rang my doorbell.  When I greeted her I could tell something wasn't right.  It wasn't long until there were tears in her eyes and she told me everything that was going on.

One of the biggest thoughts in my head during the entire thing was, "What will Kayla think." Ha...

I spent the rest of the daylight talking to her and I walked her home.

There were so many things said that made so many things so clear for me.

There were also things said that made things even more confusing.

There is something special there though... Most people say guys and girls can't be friends without something sexual in nature happening, but that was disproved today.
Adrianne and I were perfectly fine with just talking... Trusting each other without expecting anything from one another but an ear and an honest opinion.
She has turned out to be one of my best friends.  Perhaps even as close to me as I think that Niel is.

It is so nice to be able to just lay things out with someone - something I have not been able to do lately with the band being so out of touch and no one really to sit with me face to face...
The phone is so impersonal and texts can be horrendously misleading or misjudged.

Kayla is never far from my mind, but there is not a lot I can do about that right now.
I can just sit, wait, and hope.

North Carolina is calling, but California is weeping.

So many things going on while nothing at all seems to be going on.

This is really such a neutral post... Nothing depressing like normal and nothing too awfully cheery and corny.

Though that Kayla Call chick.. Oh man she is hawt-hot-hawt-hot-hot. :)

The song a day is still happening and I couldn't be having a better time with it... I have never felt so artistically empowered.

I hope you all are having wonderful days and weeks.

I wish you all the best.


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