Sunday, June 27, 2010

"It's the mission of modernity..."

Days are spent doing little.  Nights are spent doing even less.
Life is simple yet so complicated right now.  At a blind eye's glance things are falling in to place.  When you become more educated you realize that life is not life at all. 
It is hard to explain what I am trying to convey.  You have so much control over everything that happens.

There is no end...
Only more and more beginnings popping up and being shut out.

I am waiting for my job to start.  I really would like to start making some money to pay the bills with. - Not to mention that I need a new computer...
Online school is going to be fun... I am excited.  It will keep me in line and in check.

"Was this over before, before if it ever began?"

I wrote a new song - with a little help from Eddie - called "Cold Dark Knight".  You can check it out here.
Tell me what you think... It is a really rough cut of it that I did in one take.

I really need to focus more on my art...

I am going to call it that because I am a douche bag with little vocabulary to choose from....

It was good to have Niel and Eddie over this past weekend.  I miss those guys so much...

I need to find a new place to live by the end of July.  This will be fun.

So yeah.. That is my basic update. - Playing lots of WoW and writing stuff on guitar...

Pieces of love,

Thursday, June 24, 2010

Thangs are a'happenin'!

That is right my friends!
I have a job now!  I am so excited to start working.
I will be either a cashier or fitting room attendant at a new Ross that is opening up in Brea. I don't start working until the 8th of July, but hey I am employed now.

I just realized that in a couple months I will have more money - that I have earned that is...  Than I have EVER had before...
That is a wonderful feeling.

I also start classes at DeVry on the 5th of July.  Super excited for that.  I had orientation yesterday, and after seeing everything that I get just for going to DeVry and how awesome the online environment is- I can't freakin wait.

So now I just bide my time playing Red Dead Redemption - that my friend Omar made the mistake of letting me borrow - and WoW. :)

Still having money troubles right now - but that will soon be fixed.

I have noticed that I have become a fan of using "-" now.  lol I am not sure why.

I also noticed that sometimes I frame sentences with "lol".  A flaw of the computer age I guess.

I want to go to London.  That is where I am going to go after I graduate.  I will go to London for a week or two.  See the sites.  I might even stop by Scotland and Ireland just to get a look at my family's registry - to see if I can get at any of that royal treasury ;).
It will be a few years until I graduate so I have time to plan and save money.

I do, however, need a new computer.  I think that will be my first big purchase with my new job.  It will take me a few months to save, but I can do it.  I just can't go buy stuff like crazy.  I need to open a savings account.

I have a new/old addiction. Irish Breakfast Tea... This stuff is AMAZING!
Usually I would get "Twinnings", but I found some at Trader Joe's when my parents took me shopping - I got 80 tea bags for like five bucks.  80 tea bags!  Twinnings only gives you like 24 for five bucks.   Can we say deal?  Plus it is still amazingly delicious.  Put a couple of spoonfuls of sugar and a dash of milk and wow...

Pretty soon  you will come here to read my blogs and you will see a better and improved me.  You will notice changes in my writing and changes in the words I use.  My life is getting better.  I am improving on so many things.

I am starting to live that life that I can be proud of.  I feel as if I am in a good place in the world.
Sure there are lots of negative things that are bugging me, but you gotta just shrug it off and focus on the good.  I could be horribly depressed if I chose to be so, but I am not choosing to be so.
I am going to move forward with my head high and all my hopes and dreams in my pocket.  I will pull them out one by one and accomplish them all.

So get ready World!  You are going to need a good doctor when I am done with you! 

CamBam is coming, and there isn't a thing in this world that can hold him back any more!

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

My alter egos...

Here are my alter egos.  (Minus one I don't really play anymore)

There you go.. Now you know what I look like in WoW...

You know? That thing that you listen to to feel all better?

So here I am; at almost two AM with nothing to do.

Andrea and Katie are watching "Fame" in the living room.

The WoW servers are down for maintenance...

I have been wanting to write new songs but nothing ever comes out.  I am at a loss for a muse.

Will you be my muse?  kthx..

I need to post pictures of my alter egos...  I will get to that...  Maybe tomorrow...

The Postal Service is amazing when you are feeling "eh..".  I mean I feel like the words and sounds are just wondering through my body...

^^I just typed that entire sentence while looking at the ceiling fan... I didn't have one typo..^^

Interesting note..  The sentence I just wrote about my awesome typing skills had three typos in it alone...  of which I fixed...

Don't wake me I plan on sleeping in....

I am at a loss for what I am to do...  I still have no job.  I really don't think that life is fair...  I mean what have I done to deserve this horrible luck?  Why must Karma continue to feast upon my ass?

I want a pet...  I want my dog Pebbles to live with me...

I want to eat pop tarts again...  I feel too guilty these days...  Gelatin is crushed up animal parts people...

I want to do something with my life...

You just started thinking about what you are going to do with yours, huh?

You just lost....

What you ask?

.... The Game....

If you don't know; look it up!

Here you go: TA DUH!

I want to write a novel...  Like a western, but with fantasy stuff in it.. Cowboys in a world of swords and sorcery. 

Eddie needs to help me write it... I have it all in my head, but me and paper don't get along these days.

My days consist of job searching, cleaning (a little), playing WoW, and talking to Andrea and Katie...

I need more excitement.  I need money....

I wish money was not a thing that you needed...  I want a life....

I am not proud right now...

Well then...

I am not going to read over this and fix any typos or anything... - sorry.


Monday, June 7, 2010

Newfoundland Was There Before You Found It...

Hello internet,

I am going to try to get back into the regular posting habit.
I mean I gotta give you something to read.

Spent the weekend at my parents house.  Got here late Friday night and I will be returning to Fullerton in a few hours.  My parents and Jordan are at work and school, but I didn't want to leave crazy early--plus Andrea is still sweepins. 

My parents have this amazing Frappe Machine.  All you have to do is put in the coffee and water; then put in the ice with everything else you want in the blender.  Then touch one button and it mixes, brews, and blends into a fantastic beverage.

My new band is going well.  We have only had practice twice, but my roommate and I write stuff in our living room and what we have written is pretty bad ass.
I am actually working on another song for my solo project, Milo O'Milo, but who knows when that will be up.
I wouldn't mind seeing a No Name For New Year reunion... *wink, wink*

/startnerdtalk I have spent a lot of time lately on WoW.  I have found a great group of people to play with Horde side on Moon Guard.  I made a guild and it is going wonderfully.  I still play Alliance, but my friends on that side are usually busy and don't really do anything with me anymore....  Which is sad because they got me back into WoW...  Maybe things will turn around.

Check out my guild: HERE.
*NOTE:  It is a Role Playing guild so don't click the link if you are allergic to nerd talk or nerds in general.*

I went job searching with Katie last Wednesday.  There were three or four places that were hiring a good number of people; so hopefully I will finally get a job!  Wouldn't that be great?!  I mean just the thought of having a job and being able to pay my bills excites me even more than Christmas morning did when I was a kid.  Plus the groceries!! Oh dear to be able to buy food again... 

I registered for classes on Friday.  I could only afford to take three--so I am only a part time student next semester.  I am excited because my very first semester at DeVry I will have a Game and Simulation Programming class; therefore, I will be working on a video game right off the bat!

I am glad that I finally picked the back up plan for my music career.  I just hope I am smart enough to get through it.

Take it back or take it back,
You got nothing to lose.
You've got one last chance to save yourself you, fool.
Take it back or take it back,
You got nothing to lose.
Do you really wanna follow suit, and die, under control.

^Chorus to my new band's first song.  It is catchy as hell lol.^

Well I hope that you all have a brilliant day.
Thank you for reading what is going on in my life.  I promise you it will get more interesting eventually. ;)

Pieces of love,