Wednesday, October 3, 2012

What a long strange trip its been....

Oh my... There are so many things that I want to say yet so many things that I don't want to.
There is always the one side that is fine with the way things turned out and one side that is dying on the inside. I am afraid I am the latter but there is not a damn thing I can do about it.

I guess I just gotta put one foot in front of the other one and hope for the best.
I wear this smile cause I am tired of how I feel.

Am I okay?
No - fuck you...
I know you are just wondering how I am and are concerned by the look on my face.
Just leave me the fuck alone.  Life sucks and then you die.
Might as well make the most of it.

Saturday, August 13, 2011

I hate....

Anonymous comments....

The least you could do is let me know who you are....

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Ya know....

....I have forgotten what a "First Kiss" feels like?

If I knew then what I know now....

I wish I could go back just two years... Maybe three....

Oh how I would do things differently....

I am not who I thought I would be in two years time...

I need to focus more on what I want... Less on what I think I want.

I have an idea...  Yep... Me an idea....

I am done with so many things and am going to start doing so many other different things...

SO ambiguous and self-righteous.

Max Bemis and the Painful Splits have opened the door... I am walking through it.. If it closes again I am gonna kick the bitch down.

Saturday, July 30, 2011

I used to have a heart.

 -Say Anything (Max Bemis)

I used to have a heart worth a billion bucks
Now it's shitty, shoddy cheap
Sell it in my sleep for the fakes to eat
While they kiss my ass and tell me what I need:
Sex fiends with a vacant dream, a tattoo of a soul
And the words you said, still ringing in my head
Wonder where the love they stole is hiding

All I want to do is be mended by you
I don't want to be confused, I just want to find you
All I want to kill is that which keeps me ill
Underwhelmed and unfulfilled

They're in denial of the knowledge
That they're living in a lame excuse
They're in denial of what you are to me:
My heart, my love, my guide
It's not alright with me, the love I lack, I need, I want you back
The circle torn apart, I used to have a heart

I used to know a girl with the deepest trust
That a man could ever know
I broke her neck with the lack of respect
I learned as an embryo on the west coast
Where the dead paint hollywood red
The facade is well-fed with the blood of the capulets
Spread like jelly on bread across the doors of the first-borns
Weaned from birth on meds

All I want to say is this could be ok
I don't want to be a slave, I just want to spend my days
Wondering through the haze, your voice to lead the way

I can finally go and say:
There you are in front of me, luminescent as you used to be
Just sing the saddest song for me, revive me