Thursday, March 31, 2011

"Too bad. Lets dance."

So I have decided that I should post something besides my normal dribble.
So I am going to do a game review of sorts.  I mean I love me some video games....  I promise this will not become a regular thing... Cause to be honest I don't have money for video games.

So today I will be talking about The Witcher: Enhanced Edition.  This game is a little dated, but it is still very worth your hard earned $20. Just be sure you have a nice PC... This game is beautiful and should only be played where it can be shown off.

So you don't have to listen to me ramble about it... Watch the opening cinematic. Seriously this is the first thing you see when you start playing the game.  No menu or nothing - just straight to this:

Yeah...  You know this is gonna be good.

So far I have only played the game for seven hours.  Which landed me near the middle of chapter 2 out of 8.  Not to mention all the extra stuff the enhanced edition comes with...

You play as a witcher named Geralt of Rivia.  Geralt is not your normal fantasy hero.  Geralt is a badass; he knows he is a badass, and everyone that crosses him knows he is a badass.  It seems that any time a peasant needs something done Geralt also asks for money in return for the good deed.  Witchers don't work for free, ya dig?

Now the basic points on the game...:

Graphics: 8/10
The graphics in this game are absolutely amazing.  While there are some collision flaws like grass poking through the bottom of wagons or the hilt of a sword passing through peoples arms as they move around to talk, but overall the game is beautiful.

The only real issue I have with the graphics in this game are the clunky models of the denizens of the world.  Everyone seems to rigid and robotic. The only time a model flows really well is during combat.  Each character only displays one emotion on their face, and that emotion is the one that most fits the character.  Geralt is stern, the other witchers are either angry or dopey, and the dwarves are all drunk off their ass.
The world around you, however, is beautifully rendered.  The world is dark and dreary, and there are reminders there around every turn. 

Playability: 7/10
The game plays very well from the very beginning.  While combat is a little clunky; due to the fact that your combat is controlled by clicking once over and over in a certain pattern and three buttons on the keyboard to switch between witcher stances.  The camera is positioned at a very good place and lets you see almost fully around Geralt at all times.  I found myself getting used to everything from leveling up to combat rather quickly.  The way you level up is very similar to Oblivion in that you must find a place to meditate in order to receive your leveling bonuses or brew any potions you might want to brew.  Just a note:  Learn to love alchemy. The game is very user friendly in the way of its menus.  You can track quests, read character bios, and sort through your inventory rather easily.

The only problem I have run into regarding playability is on difficulty spike near the end of chapter 1.  I was playing the game and everything was easy.  I never dropped below half health, and then came a fight with the main boss of the region.  I died at least seven times before finally slaying the beast.  Note:  I don't play on easy mode, you scrub. (Ha - thanks Ryan.)

Story and Lore: 9/10
The story and the way lore is handled in this game is amazing!  I was drawn in very early on by the wonderful voice acting that seems to fill game.  Every dialouge choice you make as Geralt is then said by Geralt in his gravely voice verbatim. 
Did you know that Geralt died once?  Who brought him back?  I don't even know yet...
The story is also very choice driven.  There were many hints that let me know had I made a different choice earlier in the game something different would be happening to me.  This leads to this game being very re-playable after the first playthrough.  Every single choice I make affects me in some way.  Oh you wanna give those homeless elves weapons, medicine, and food cause they need it and you are a nice guy?  -Ohp look at that!  They killed a major player of a quest you now have to find a different way to finish.  <- Yes that really happened.. Nice guys do apparently finish last.

Well that is all I have for now...

Average score: 8/10
I would highly recommend this game if you are a fan of long story driven RPGs.
Though I am not even half way through - I can tell this is gonna be one awesome title to play through.

There the game review is over... You can go back to your normally scheduled CamBamLand program later in the week.

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Genius much?

So yeah.. I have always looked up to Amanda Palmer as an artist... She had to take it one step further and write this.

I want to be her best friend.

I also want to start a cabaret punk band... We'll see how that goes lol.
I just need to get myself a keyboard..... Maybe a synth...

So if any of you have a keyboard laying around that you aren't using....

Friday, March 25, 2011

This song.

Listen to the lyrics...


I wanna be this guy.

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Oh such inspiration!

This video / song have struck me so suddenly with thoughts that I can't rightly put down into words.
I am not that huge of a fan of Panic! at the Disco...  I love their first album, but ever since then they have gotten more and more iffy...

This song however...
I have been wanting to write a concept album for a while now.. I finally have everything I need to accomplish this task.

While I am not the greatest writer in the world, I know I have friends that would be more than happy to help me out.
Eddie will be my biggest aid in this I can already tell.

Just listen to the lyrics.

So here it is...

Think of it.. It is a village separated from all other time and space.  It is one in and of itself.  No one in the village has ever been outside it's walls. 
Then two lovers...
Katilette and Cadman.

Of course love is at the root of the uproar.

It will be a very Whisper House -ish episodic story driven from song to song.  Almost musical like.
I am leaning towards trying to make a short film out of it.

I think ten tracks from start to finish will tell the story I want to.
I know this will take years, but years is something I have.

To steam punk or not to steam punk?

All I know is that I hate sitting in one spot for too long..
I am ready to get out of here...
I don't belong here...

I am $1600 away from being where I think I belong...

How tragic...

There's nothing wrong with just a taste of what you paid for...

Monday, March 21, 2011

Yeah - some call it love...

Sorry, but I just had to post this because... well yeah...

Is she beautiful or what?
Ha ha - Kayla can't be mad because I got the picture from her. ;)

Sunday, March 20, 2011

The one with the most toys still dies in the end.

Everything is moving in slow motion.
There are so many things that are so uncertain.
What does the next two months have in store for me? - What lies at the end of those two months?
Where will I be in the next five months?  What progress will I have made towards anything?

I am trying so hard to record my music, but I just can't seem to get the hang of the program I am using...
Everything I do sounds terrible compared to how it could sound...

One day I am everything - the next I am nothing.
One day I am so full of emotion and glee that I could burst... The very next second.. I'm talking 12:00:01 AM - I am an empty shell.

The Decemberists are a great coping mechanism.

Silverstein seems to understand what I want to say but can't.

Milo O'Milo is me unfiltered.

Milo O'Milo needs so much work.

I mapped out the finances... I have done the research...

I need $2,250.00 in order to accomplish what I need to do.

That is supposed to happen in less than seven weeks...

Seven weeks with no job...

I am trying to take the road less traveled, but that shit is hard, man!

What the hell does Robert Frost have that I don't? - Besides talent, okay, you assholes who leave anon. comments.

I am hopeful that everything will work out.  There is just a lot that needs to happen on my end.

My dad sure knows how to pick 'em.

I hated the smell of fakeness every morning that I woke up.

That woman knows nothing about me; hell, my own mother and father know so little about who I have become.

I am going places.  I am going to make something of myself, and the only one responsible for that is myself.  Yes I have people there and here to help me out and I couldn't do half of what I do without them, but in the end it was me who made it happen.

You wait and see...  You are gonna see this name one day.  You will remember it.

I love you - you know I do.

Lets all go down together, shall we?

Saturday, March 19, 2011

I am really something.

I write very catchy songs.

I am working on being a better me.

I am lucky in so many ways.

I can play guitar better than a lot of people that pick it up.

I still have so much to learn both in my art of choice and in the ways of life.

I am centered upon no one or anything.

The only thing really left to do it to find a source of income and let the winds of change either take me deeper down the rabbit hole or push me elsewhere...

I have a fate, and I will meet it head on because I have you.

I am an idiot...

...Did I really just upset the one thing that makes things alright?

I really don't understand what just happened...

I just said that things are better then they have been in a while..

I am on my way to being who I want to be with whom I want to be...

Yet words are twisted and taken the wrong way...

Here we are...

I'm not getting any sleep tonight.

Sunday, March 13, 2011

We go a drowning....

It is stupid how things affect me sometimes.

It is like I am the only person left in the world that gives a damn about everyone else no matter who they are.
When is the last time you made a choice that had no benefit towards yourself at all?
Something so selfless; God himself would feel embarrassed to stand next to you.

I only use the term "God" here because it is what most people relate to the ultimate good and justice.

I hate having a heart.
How the hell can I go on like nothing is wrong when the universe is screaming the opposite around me?
The house I live in is still standing...

So what? I am not the only one she fancies... Big surprise there.

I have nothing yet everything.

I hope it was quick... I hope it all ended in the blink of an eye.

Anguish is a damn strong word.
I don't know the true meaning of anguish.

I have lived through some hard times, but I am pampered compared to so many.

One song won't change anything...

Sleep won't find me this night.

My mind is weighed upon so heavily for no reason at all.

I am not sure what it is, but the past couple days I have just felt so sick to my stomach emotionally.  I hate looking in the mirror.  I hate the sound of her voice.  I hate how my mind and heart misbehave and disagree.

What am I doing with my life?

I want to help people... I want to write a song that takes the noose from around a neck...
I want to recite a monologue that brings someone to tears.
I want to save a life if only to trade my own.

I want to be immortal.

I want to be that one person that they are able to tell anything and everything to.

I love honesty yet ignorance is such bliss sometimes.

I have started thinking very strongly about where my life is going, and I really don't have much in mind at this moment in time.

There are many things I would love to say to you, but frankly, Dear, you are too weak to take it.

Have I ever done anything for you?

Tell me please - when was the last time I made you really smile?

You aren't worth it.
She however, is worth anything.
He however, is so lost it isn't even amusing anymore.

Your coffin or mine?

Oh yeah never mind... It is his...  Everything is his..

You see!  This is why we can't have nice things!

I wonder what it is like to be buried alive...  I bet it feels a lot like having your heart broken... No hope in sight or air in your lungs.

I want to break free.

i shvant tue breck freh.

Daylight savings... Psh...

I have so many memories tied to so many songs that I can't even listen to some of my favorite songs without hating myself.

It is over....

You are not who I thought you were are you?
There are so many people that think this is about them...

To be honest you have no idea what I am trying to say.

Hint - this was all about me.  Or was it?

Isn't everything about me?  Doesn't the universe revolve around Michael Cameron Kilby?

Friday, March 4, 2011

Ambition is a fickle bitch.

Today was one of those eye opening days.
I spent the morning completely content just to exist and accomplish nothing all day long.
This, however, was not the plan fate had allotted.

I was greeted mid-day by my dear friend and ex girlfriend Adrianne.  She rang my doorbell.  When I greeted her I could tell something wasn't right.  It wasn't long until there were tears in her eyes and she told me everything that was going on.

One of the biggest thoughts in my head during the entire thing was, "What will Kayla think." Ha...

I spent the rest of the daylight talking to her and I walked her home.

There were so many things said that made so many things so clear for me.

There were also things said that made things even more confusing.

There is something special there though... Most people say guys and girls can't be friends without something sexual in nature happening, but that was disproved today.
Adrianne and I were perfectly fine with just talking... Trusting each other without expecting anything from one another but an ear and an honest opinion.
She has turned out to be one of my best friends.  Perhaps even as close to me as I think that Niel is.

It is so nice to be able to just lay things out with someone - something I have not been able to do lately with the band being so out of touch and no one really to sit with me face to face...
The phone is so impersonal and texts can be horrendously misleading or misjudged.

Kayla is never far from my mind, but there is not a lot I can do about that right now.
I can just sit, wait, and hope.

North Carolina is calling, but California is weeping.

So many things going on while nothing at all seems to be going on.

This is really such a neutral post... Nothing depressing like normal and nothing too awfully cheery and corny.

Though that Kayla Call chick.. Oh man she is hawt-hot-hawt-hot-hot. :)

The song a day is still happening and I couldn't be having a better time with it... I have never felt so artistically empowered.

I hope you all are having wonderful days and weeks.

I wish you all the best.


Wednesday, March 2, 2011

The poison I have placed in others' cups...

...will soon find its way to my own.

I deleted the first half of this blog. A closure long over due.

I am ready for better.

I am going to be better.

I love what I believe to be my future.

SO here is to you and all your conquests.

Live the life that you know you will be proud of!

Really? -Don't read this.-

I am not even worth knowing the meaning of something that small?

Wow...  I had such a different idea as to where I stand it made my head spin and my heart sink.

Yet I am not mad.

I am actually upset at myself for being so upset and selfish.

It makes me want to be a better person - I should just be able to let go of the hurt in my chest and focus on the brighter things....  Kinda hard when brighter things are dimming themselves.

So many things should have happened today that didn't.
I could make a list, but is that really worth my time?

I have got to get out of here...
I have got to get home - wherever the hell that is.

Oh well... I would deliver you the moon on a string and you know it.

Just had to vent.  Today wasn't a great day at all...  SO many little things from so many different sources adding up.

I am glad she had such a good day though.  I like knowing she is happy.
She has a good friend I believe.
She'll be fine after I am gone.
He'll be fine too...

Thanks CamBamLand....
Must be a nice place to be.... Within the circle....