Saturday, January 16, 2010

Sweet Teeth...

Proper "English" tea and chocolate chip cookes.
Pretty rainbow colored cake.

Thank you.  No seriously.. Thank you.

No one knows what the hell I am talking about...

I love that...

I have been floating by the last few days.  Nothing really spectacular going on.  I play guitar, watch movies with Kayla, talk about music to April, think, read, think more, eat way too much, walk around Fullerton, think, and check the mail exactly at 2:45 PM.

I need something.  Something random to shake things up.  I am already tired of this new existence.  I am already tired of school and the semester hasn't even started.  I hope that I get better grades this time around.  I know I will...

Isn't that supposed to help?  Saying you are sure of something?  Like words can make any difference in the world that Fate has made for you?  Can you turn the sands of time to your advantage?  Can you change what you are destined to do; how you are destined to fail / succeed? 
I say you can't.

You can't just float on, because then you won't be able to make something happen, but then again something is already supposed to happen.  Where is the fun in that?

People are so buckled down by their beliefs.  Who is actually living a life that they want to these days?

Who says that nothing is free?
Love should be free... I haven't met anyone else that thinks that though.

I think I need to write a book.   I don't know what about, but it needs to happen.

Sleep sounds nice.  I mean I am only going to wake up to check my e-mail...
Then it is on with the normal day to day way of things.

Every e-mail contains something new and fresh, something to brighten up the morning.  It is like I have a best friend, but we don't even know it.

That is nice...

Thanks for reading?  Or do you feel your time was wasted?

Well how will you ever know if you don't tune back in here; same bat time, same bat channel.



  1. need something different? try this. devote 15 minutes of your day to doing something for someone else. talking to someone you wouldn't usually talk to, noticing that someone needs a hug and a conversation, buying a homeless person food, doing something beyond yourself. in the end it's the things we do for others that make our lives the most worthwhile.

    also, i thought you might like to hear what i think about words and their power. i believe life and death are in the power of the tongue. the things that you speak over your life are the things you will see come to fruition in your life. you can speak death, and you can speak life. your words have so much power over every other part of you.
    try speaking life. speaking the positive outcome of any situation you're facing. you'll be surprised at how it affects you.

    love is free. no prerequesites, no conditions, no expectations.

  2. i think you mean.. rainbow *coloured* cake..

    is it bad that my days can be so awful that emails are the only focus at all?
    becca's a loser.


  3. no I am pretty sure it is colored ;)

    Don't say that it is bad because then we would both be losers...

    And you my dear, are far from being a loser.. just saying...

    I don't talk to losers ;)
