Friday, May 13, 2011

Well then...

I guess I better update my "goddamn blog".
So here is your update.

I have really just been trying to keep myself from going insane. 

The only big thing that has happened as of yet is that I now am employed!  Yay me!

I will be working at a convenience store type of place.

Back to the ol' $8.00 an hour.
I just went through training this week and actually start on Sunday bright and early.

Other than that I have just spend my time watching Doctor Who.
I really didn't like it for the first two episodes, but after that I became really emotionally invested in the characters.
Seasons 1 - 4 were absolutely brilliant... I am not so fond of season five and it's Doctor...  There is no emotional investment there at all.

Watching Torchwood now - which is a thing derived from Doctor Who.  Really cool tie in....

I am trying to figure out what I am doing with my life.  Step one was getting a job... Okay that is done.. I have a job.

Now what?

Where am I going?  When am I going there?

The latest discussions have now been having me in the role of a student going to school to get a teaching degree...

SO yes - as of right now CamBam is going to be a teacher in a few years.  How exciting is that?  We know how I am though - I am never happy with where I am or what I am doing.

BTW - I had to drop out of DeVry because I have no money to pay for what my financial aid doesn't cover...

This is going to sound racist but it really isn't....

I have so many friends (mainly mexican and black) that got the same grades I did, took the same classes pretty much that I did, and went to the same level of university that I was going to who got 5K more a year that I do with financial aid. WTF is up with that?

Damn you white people!  If you would have picked your own damn fruit and cotton I could be going to school still!!

So I will sit and sip my Trader Joe's Irish Breakfast Tea (AMAZING), play my crappy little songs on my beautiful blue guitar named Luna, play Mortal Kombat, go to work, and watch Torchwood until I figure out the next step in life.

I have tried to take things wayy to fast, and that has in reality put me behind the pack.
In the next few weeks I should have a solid plan built for myself.... I just have a bit of research to do.

Believe me - you will be the first one I tell when something happens.

This is CamBam - signing off for now.


  1. you need to update again...the month is already almost over and you only have one post up...
